Thank you for downloading. Models folder and Animations folder are main contents of this package. Other folder's contents is an example of use of these models and animations. -Modals folder contains model's fbx files. Textures are contained in Models/Materials folder. Feather's meshe of BaldEagleModelLOD1 and BaldEagleModelTwoLODs was one sided. Hence double sided shader is used to feather material. StandardCullOff shader is same as Standard shader ecxept "Cull Off". Feather's meshe of BaldEagleModelDoubleSidedFeatherLOD1 and BaldEagleModelDoubleSidedFeatherTwoLODs was double sided. Hence standard one sided shader is used to feather material. -Animations folder contains animation's fbx files. BaldEagleAnimationsBasic.FBX contains basic flap and walk animations. Walk and run animations are compatible with root motion. -Scenes folder contains a demo scene. BaldEagleAnimationsTree.FBX is not used in the demo scene. -Prefabs folder contains prefabs. BaldEagleModelLOD1OriginalSize and BaldEagleModelTwoLODsOriginalSize are used in the Demo scene. BaldEagleModelLOD1RealSize and BaldEagleModelTwoLODsRealSize are more realistic head size. These Spine.3 and Neck.2 size are 1.1. (All animations have not scale key frame. Hence all bone size can be changed.) BaldEagleModelLOD1OriginalSizeLite is used in the DemoLite scene. This prefab uses BaldEagleLiteAC.controller. This animator controller uses BaldEagleAnimationsBasic.FBX only. -Scripts folder contains scripts that used in the demo scene. -Animator folder contains animator controller that used prefabs. for more information: